Man Sharpens Man

A story of brotherhood and self-improvement ostracized by modern society but it’s the key to success as a modern man, proven through millennia

Diego Rodriguez Leal
2 min readMay 1, 2023

If you’re looking to become more successful in life, then you need to start thinking like a philosopher.

The proverb “As iron sharpens iron, a man sharpens another man” is an ancient saying that has been used to convey the importance of mutual encouragement and growth.

The image of two pieces of iron being sharpened together illustrates how people can sharpen and improve each other through their interactions and relationships.

The saying speaks to the idea that we become better versions of ourselves when we surround ourselves with people who challenge us and inspire us to grow.

Just like iron can only be sharpened by another piece of iron, we too can only sharpen our minds and character by interacting with others who are equally committed to personal growth and development.

This proverb can be applied to many areas of life, including personal relationships, professional development, and even community building.

When we surround ourselves with people who are committed to growth and improvement, we are more likely to push…



Diego Rodriguez Leal

Architecture Student and Designer by trade turned into a Data Nerd with a keen interest in Philosophy and Self Improvement